Thursday Senior Morning League
Opening Day: The second Thursday in May (May 9th, 2024)
Occurs: Weekly on Thursday Mornings between 8:00 am & 9:30 am
# of Holes: 9 Holes (Alternating Front/Back 9)
Season League Fee: There is no league fee to participate in Senior League. Members pay the weekly draw fee and non-members can pay a League Green fee+the draw fee.
Weekly League Fee: $3.00 – goes towards your end of season banquet & the weekly door prize.
Green Fee – Non-Members of the golf club who are participating in the league pay a 9-hole league fee each time they participate (walking – $25.00 plus hst, riding – $37.00 plus hst)
Weekly Games: Lowest Putts, Door Prize draw
Closing Date: League Closing is TBD for 2024 but typically at the end of September. Those who do not participate in at least 10 Senior League Days who wish to come to the closing dinner can still come provided that they pay an additional fee to cover the cost of their dinner (this ranges depending on the number of weeks played.)
- Senior Morning Tee-Times are assigned between 8:00 am & 9:30 am depending on the number of Seniors participating that week. The times work backwards from 9:30 am so that you don’t have to get up as early if there are less people playing that week.
- In order to get assigned to a group or tee-time, those wishing to participate in Senior League must sign-up on the board in the pro-shop by 5:00 pm on the Tuesday before, or email no later than 5:00 pm on the Tuesday before.
- Groups will be drawn at random and a list of times will be emailed out to League participants on the Wednesday Afternoon prior to the league day. Senior League is meant to be a social round so we will aim to mix the groups up as much as possible, however if you have specific time requests ie (later or earlier) due to your schedule you can make these requests when you sign up.
- Before your tee-time everyone must check-in at the pro-shop and pay your $3.00. One person from each group should grab an official scorecard to keep score & track putts for the group. These should be handed into Pro-shop after your round.
- There will be a low putts prize each week so make sure you track your putts on your scorecard.
- Senior League is 9-holes, however those members who wish to play 18 can continue on after playing that weeks 9. Groups will not be organized based on who is playing 18 holes however, so you may have to wait a little bit for other players before you continue on.
- ALL PUTTS MUST BE HOLED OUT! If you wish to participate in the putting prize each week you must hole out all of your putts..