About Us
Welcome to the Seaforth Golf Club
Seaforth Golf Club is a mature and challenging golf course, with the rich tradition of hospitality and friendliness of small town Ontario. The course is located on 100 unspoiled, un-crowded and uncommonly beautiful acres in the heart of southwestern Ontario.
Whether you are a serious golfer or simply looking for an occasional enjoyable round the 18 hole par 71 course which was redesigned in 2005 by Canadian Golf Hall of Fame member, Dan Halldorson, will exceed your expectations. Golfers love the flow of our layout! This well groomed, mature course is a perennial favourite for tournaments of all sizes, and always lives up to a promise of pure golfing pleasure for all who come to play. We have named the holes and you’ll enjoy the stories behind the naming.
Our membership rates are posted on the “Lessons and Rates” page.
Golf at Seaforth Golf Club is a great deal when you consider the amount of time you can spend here during the summer! It’s also a great family place with golf opportunities for moms and kids too! We have leagues for ladies, men, seniors, juniors & couples so check us out and join the club!
Other Facilities
For your added enjoyment we offer a complete practice facility with a full-length driving range, 2 practice putting greens, one short game chipping green, and an additional 90 yard pitching area so players are able to hone every aspect of their game.
Our brand new fleet of quiet-gas Yamaha Golf Carts are now available and you can book your tee time in advance by phone or through our online portal.
Group and individual lessons are available with our resident professional Robyn Doig for those who wish to improve their games.
We also have a well stocked pro shop complete with Demo Clubs from Callaway Golf and both men’s and women’s golf apparel from brands such as Levelwear, Greg Norman, Nancy Lopez, Antigua & Dexim.
We have a full service & licensed patio located behind the clubhouse and a covered deck area so that you can still enjoy a pint or a glass of wine outdoors even during rainy weather. Food options vary depending on time of year but our typical pub food is enough to quench most peoples hunger.
For those of you who aren’t into golf but looking for an even space for your next social gathering (after Covid), we have a large banquet hall complete with built in sound system & a full service bar available for rent for both club members & non-members alike. Comfortable Capacity is 80-100 individuals seated.
Neat and casual – Men’s shirts must have sleeves. Ladies shirts may be sleeveless but tank tops, tube tops, midriff and backless tops are not appropriate. Shorts for both men and women should be moderate in length and must be hemmed. The same is true for blue jeans – they must be hemmed and without holes. Golf shoes with soft spikes or smooth soled running shoes only please!
Members please inform your guests of our dress code to avoid embarrassment for all involved.
Familiarize yourself with the etiquette of golf and the policies of SGC:
- Book your tee time ahead if possible – by phone or here on our website
- Register and sign in at the Pro Shop before you go to the tee – this is to inform all golfers of any changes to the normal course routine.
- Begin on # 1 unless otherwise instructed by the pro shop staff or starter
- Play the golf course in the correct sequence – no cutting in or jumping holes
- Maximum four per group – maximum two power carts per group
- Dress code is in effect
- Members please post scores following your round – we can help you if required
While on the golf course please remember:
- Let faster players play through (step aside and wave them through)
- Be ready when it’s your turn to play
- Remain quiet and still while others are playing their shot
- Always play safe
- Invite a single player to join you on your round
- Shake hands at the completion of your round
- For riding golfers – power carts should remain on paths around tees & greens
- Our LLBO license means you must be of age and purchase drinks from SGC only.
We share the golf facility with many others during the round so observation of the following tips is appreciated:
- Never play a shot when those in front of you are within range
- Be aware of players off to the side and on other fairways at all times
- Never swing a club if someone is standing nearby
- Yell, “FORE!!!” if you think your ball may strike someone
- Cover your head with your hands and duck down if you hear, “FORE!!!”
- Operate golf carts as any vehicle – safety first – you must have a valid licence
- Consult our bulletin board for tips on LIGHTNING:
– If you hear one long siren blast you must seek shelter immediately
– If you don’t hear the siren but become aware of an approaching storm please advise the pro shop ASAP
– Wear your sunscreen and a hat whenever you’re golfing
We all love our pets and although the golf course offers wide open spaces for dogs to run please remember that –